You are each but half of a whole. Only by working together
will Novas and humans be as one.
Your concern for the welfare of others, even those you don't know, is exactly
how the members of Stormwatch and Team Tomorrow feel. Much like you they are willing to go to any lengths to help those in
People fear what they don't understand and humans do not understand Novas. Therefore it is our responsibility
to enlighten them.
The Terragen and teams like Stormwatch or Team Tomorrow are polar opposites. Stormwatch
seeks to promote understanding between Nova and humankind. The Terragen seek to rule over humans, and they will not hesitate
to use violence to achieve their goal.
The tough and messy court cases must be open to the public, it is from
them that our power comes from.
Funny lines I have heard... (In game or elsewhere)
"Damn it!" by Slider
For my money, nothing is better than to listen to a psychotic megalomaniac - Jubilee
kids a hero knows when its time to fight and when its time to run like a little bitch" Desert punk
that guy....Nuckin Futs" Juriko, Desert Punk
Cool lines
"The TRUE warrior enters the arena with all his powers at the
ready" Akuma, Street Fighter Alpha