March 18th - 24th
After March 18 Elías went to South America, he spent most of his time in Brazil with his grandmother,
he also contacted Noam Chomsky, a professor at M.I.T. teaching Linguistics, as well as the most quoted author on his books
about globalization. They talked about many of the problems in South America and what had happned after NAFTA had been
signed in, and many other topics. Elías found someone who coulod help him accomplish something for the poor, someone
with a great wealth of knowledge and who could help him make things better for people. After speaking with the professor, Elías
made several trips to visit the headquarters of the most powerful international countries in South America. After
his visit large amounts of money was transfered to these corporations, and deeds of land were transferred to his holdings(attained
from Stormwatch records).
Shortly after these transactions had started many interviews with organizations
all over South America, began to come from the largest terrorist organisations in the Americas, the Zapatista. They
told the public recently that they have been given back much of the lands that were taken from the poor of many latin American
countries after NAFTA came to them. That the land was to be used as communal land, once promised to many thousands of
poor indigenous peoples, to raise crops and live on once again.
'Marcos', one of the most famous Zapatista leaders would only say that a man who
believes in the teachings of Zapata had given him the deeds to the land and wanted to make sure the people of America could
once again live with dignity. He also said the man would give them enough money to start building schools, for a free
education for anyone.
That he would watch over the Zapatista movement and protect them, he would help
to raise the red and black banner over any oppresed people, exploited minority who has resisted and cried for freedom, for
they are Zapatista.
This was to be the first recorded mention of the masked nova freedom fighter, only
known by a select few, he was to be called the 'Militant'.
He also added work to his ongoing work, the 'Nova Essays'
Society has been given rules to help protect the people, having certain conditions
or rules that apply in specific situations. But just like laws from hundreds of years ago do not apply to the present,
the worlds laws are growing more cumbersome, unable to evolve with the world that they were meant to govern.
The world and its people have changed too much, meta-humans surpass these
laws new laws and rules must be made to guide the new world into tomorrow to avoid chaos.....
....I may suggest that when grievances cannot be resolved between two novas; that
if the Nova Counsil cannot resolve them and the grievance is severe enough that a judicial contest, a duel of honor if you
will, be enacted. The conditions to be decided by a chosen peer by the two novas in disagreement. Each nova
may bring with them, their second or a champion to the duel to witness or fight for the offended nova. The contest be
ruled over by a judge, a neutral peer agreed upon by two novas or their seconds. The winner of the contest will gain
the right to justice and gain justice over his adversary and have his or her honor restored....
Elías is called back to Stormwatch tower after the Priest is killed
February 07, 2007 - February 13, 2007
This story takes place on Friday, February 7, 2007
Kat was not focused on her surroundings as she entered the training area. Last nights experiment with the lightning gun
didnt go nearly as well as she had been hoping. She was thinking about what had gone wrong and how to fix it when she walked
in and saw Elías kicking the shit out of some holograms.
Shit, shit, shit ... umm, what to do, what to do? And of course, while she was still deciding, the dude who runs the training
area came up to her with his clipboard.
So, Kat! What can we do for you today? Kat twisted her body so she wasnt looking at Elías, in a second-graders logic
of hiding: if I cant see you, you cant see me ... Shooting. I was hoping to practice shooting today. She looked at the clipboard-guy,
almost hoping hed tell her the shooting range was closed for ... repairs? Cleaning?
Clipboard-Guy only nodded and said, Right this way, well pull up a selection of firearms for you to practice with.
Elías hit the last target with a spectacular aerial roundhouse kick, and next to the ring a digital readout appeared,
rating his performance. As he grabbed a towel from a locker nearby to dry off, he noticed the training area coordinator leading
Kat over to the shooting range.
He picked up his bag and followed them, wanting to speak to Kat.
Kat shifted through the guns, and hefted them, trying to get a feel for each of them, and finally selected a sleek Sig-91.
She walked over to shooting area, and got into position.
She loved inventing things, it was great, it was always so much fun, but shooting ... shooting clay birds or glass jars
or whatever the hell Clipboard-Guy was gonna throw her way ... it was almost soothing. Definitely stress-relief.
As Elías neared Kat his eyes were drawn from her blazing hair down her supple back to her shapely legs. Kat took her stance
with the with the poise of a seasoned marksman, preparing to fire. Hey, Kat, Elías said in his heavy Brazilian accent. Practicing
with your guns again?
Kat jumped when she heard Elías voice, and her finger slipped on the trigger. She scowled at the mark the errant bullet
had made, but it was really a cover to hide how flustered she was that Elías had snuck up on her. That he had followed her.
Once again, she wished she had decent hiding powers.
Shit, Elías, dont sneak up on someone holding a gun! ¡No bueno!
Please forgive me, I didnt mean to startle you. At least I wasnt electrocuted this time, he said with a slight smile.
Kat grinned in spite of herself. Mentioning her victory of their first match was a good move on his part, in her opinion.
She lifted her gun again and took aim. You'll have worse problems if you keep startling me while I'm holding this. She squeezed
the trigger and nodded in satisfaction at where the bullet hit.
Perhaps we could meet later, then. When you dont have a pistol in your hands? Will you be long?
Kat looked over at him in surprise, and decided it would be best to set the gun down during the rest of this conversation.
What do you mean, meet later?
I was going out later, and would like you to join me. Do you dance?
It took her a moment to realize that her mouth was slightly agape, and she had to force herself to close it. Is he asking
me out? Shit, I think he is! Umm ... not really. It isnt really something they teach in inner city high schools. Not that
she had attended an inner city high school - she had grown up Manhattan - but it amounted to the same thing. Shit, he sent
me a mind-message that once ... can he read my mind? Is he reading it right now? Oh, fuck ...
Dont let it bother you, I can show you, Elías said. Its very easy if you have a good teacher. He paused for a second,
then asked, What time should I come by your apartment?
Kat was still slightly stunned by her (hopefully) good fortune. He might say it was easy to dance, but she wasnt convinced.
Umm ... whenever. What should I wear?
Something comfortable, loose, easy to move around in. I will come up to your apartment around nine.
Kat had left her training early. Even after Elías had left, she found she couldnt concentrate. Unfortunately, that left
her with plenty of time to worry about how she looked, and if she was dressed okay.
The elevator doorbell chimed, and Kat jumped. Youd think they could have come up with a better system, she muttered to
herself as she walked over to the door to let Elías in.
You did really well tonight. Are you sure you havent done that before? Elías asked Kat as they walked out of the club.
He was genuinely impressed by the grace that Kat had shown after a only short while on the dance floor. Your body moves well
with the rhythm, I could tell that the first time we practiced capoeira. Didnt I tell you you would do fine?
Kat grimaced, sure he was just trying to make her better about her disastrous dancing.
Suddenly, she heard Elías voice again in her head: Once you stopped thinking about how your body moved and just let the
music move you, you danced very well.
Kat stopped walking and looked at Elías. He was grinning like a Cheshire Cat, and gave her a slight wink. She tried glaring
at him, but after a second the whole situation seemed ridiculous, and she laughed out loud. Okay, not fair, Elías! If you
do that again, I'll send you back to the infirmary!
Do you always threaten to injure people when they try to reassure you?
Kat returned Elías grin. Only when they read my mind to do it.
So how many people have tried to read your mind?
So far as I know? Is there a trick to knowing when someones in your mind? Youre the only mind-reader I know.
What about Count Ortiz? he asked.
Oh, yeah, yeah, I forgot about him. Well, I still dont know if hes done it or not. If so, hes a lot sneakier about it.
He doesnt talk to me in my head. Kat shot Elías a dirty look that was spoiled by her smile.
I will try to keep my mind out of yours, but I cant promise anything.
Kat arched an eyebrow, looking up at him, and he laughed quietly.
Your mind is a very tempting place, he explained with a another wink.
Well, I'll try to keep my lightning under control, but I cant promise anything either, she grinned as she looked up at
Elías. This dating thing wasnt too bad.
by Rowan le Faye and Dorsey Larsen

The weeks following February 13th,
Elías was very busy. At the funeral for Nick Jackson, he was able to meet with Caestus concerning his growing desire to
aid the new Nova Counsel.
After his first meeting with Caestus, he was able to attend several meetings, meet some of the members and learn their
different views. Over the next three weeks Elías rarely slept, besides spending his time with the counsel members, the training
room, and some time with Kat he kept mostly to his apartment, hard at work. In early March he had finished writing what he
called the "Nova Essays", including precepts for Nova behavior, a form of governance focusing on the Nova Counsel,
and the Nova Bill of Rights.
Presenting the "Nova Essay" to the U.N.
Good afternoon Nations of the world, I stand before you as an ambassador of Nova kind. In front of each of you is a copy
of an essay I have written to define and set in motion a plan for the co-existence of man and Nova.
I have set down guidelines of behavior that any man or Nova of any faith can embrace. Also a basis for resolving conflicts
with Novas, without violence and without breaking the tender bonds that even now are strained between man and Nova.
As a Nova, I understand the anxiety, fear and even hatred that many people may feel towards Nova kind. We were once human,
born the same as anyone else, and then we became Novas, possessing superhuman abilities and phenomenal powers. Some may want
to control these powers, some may believe that we are dangerous weapons, and are fit to be locked up or destroyed. One cannot
arrest a person because of his capacity for doing harm to property or to people, without first that person damaging property
or harming another. It is not our abilities that define us, but rather our choices that define who we are.
If mankind is undergoing a new stage of evolution, moving towards becoming "Nova", then we should choose to
do what we can, to adapt to the change, and not fight against it. If you want proof before you make your choice, whether Novas
are truly dangerous, then trust in the many Novas fighting around the globe against the few Novas that have caused great destruction,
and misery in the world. If nothing else, those few are an example of what may come if mankind lets fear, envy, or hatred
rule them.
We do not want that future; we all want a better future, for all man and Nova kind. I only hope that mankind will choose
the path of fellowship and welcome in the Novas, let us cooperate and exist in harmony and look forward to a bright future,
Thank you
Excerpts from the "Nova Essay", presented by the N!Times
The Nova Precepts
1) To bear in mind at all times, that I am a Nova, my actions can shape the world and so I am always an ambassador for
all Nova kind and take responsibility for my actions
2) To respect Justice and give due consideration before I act
3) Though my capacity exceeds mankind, I will respect and abide by their laws when in their territories
Nova Rights
I. All Nova kind is entitled any and all rights given to mankind, to deny a Nova these rights is to deny Justice and abuse
the rights of all Novas
II. All Novas have the freedom to decide how they will live and are free to place their allegiance in whatever they believe
is right, nothing should force a Nova to act in anyway contrary to his or her own will
III. All Novas have the right to be tried by a jury of their peers, to be chosen by the Nova Counsel
IV. A Nova, no matter where they choose to exist, has the right to do so peaceably and if no place on earth exists that
this can be reasonably accomplished, then Nova kind has the right to build, construct or create a suitable place on earth
or elsewhere where they can exist
V. Any Nova whose power or abilities prevent them from living among mankind, can appeal to the Nova Counsel for suitable
living conditions
The Nova Government
All Novas, regardless of location are a nation unto themselves. The Head, or governing body being the Nova Counsel; chosen
from among all of the recognized organizations of Novas around the world, to govern all Novas.
Any disagreement or grievance between Novas and mankind will be brought before the Nova Counsel
Any government, organization, or people that would force a Nova to register or expose themselves or any information
pertaining to Novas without their express permission or the permission of the Nova Counsel will be taken to the World Court
to be judged for their actions
An unprovoked attack on any Nova may be seen by the Nova Counsel as an attack on Nova kind, and only the Nova Counsel
can declare a state of war or retribution
March - August
The Stormwatch movie is fun, and is progressing
faster than anticipated, since the movie concentrates more on the other members of Stormwatch, I am allowed a great deal of
free time. The producers love my ability to teleport and my fighting style better than everything else I can do, so
I won't be using all of my powers on screen. Good I like to have a surprise up my sleeve. Our fighting coreographers
are some of the best, Jackie Chan is coninually outdoing his most recent work with us and his newest generation of action
stars. Kat and I are able to continue our sparring sessions and go for long walks and just talk. Slider brought
most of the children from the hospital to the movie set at least once. She also suggested that I get involved with
the Human Rights Watch, to help with my endeavors in South America.
In some of my time off I was able to contact
the Gothic Knight, and find out more about his mission. He is very driven, to an almost fanatical level about stopping
all violent crime. I will continue to contact him and aid him in his mission, I will also try to help his cause by attacking
one of the roots of crime in the city, its poverty. He gave me some type of communication device to contact him, though
he warned me to never try to tamper with it, as it is rigged to self destruct if I try to open it. He also told me not
to try and follow him, he would know anyways, and I will respect his privacy.
Thanks to my abilities and need for little sleep
I am using much of my time researching, literature, sciences, everything to help me become more, a better tool to help the
world, and its people. Stormwatch has a most impressive library and information network, it will take me a long time
to get to everything. There are many Interpol files and I am studying up on S.O.P.'s and tactical data whenever I can.
While going through some Interpol files I
came across an investigation in progress. South east asia, the coutry, Udon Kai; was suspected to be the central
hub of child sex tours. Facilitated in part from Australia, a touring boat, the "Lollypop" would take its passengers
from Australia to eastern Thailan, then board a private plane and fly to an unused landing strip inside Udon Kai. The
government of Udon Kai, was a dictatorship run by General Ngum, who protected the owner of the "Lollypop", a Mr. X. Malady,
who is 'services' brought in a staggering amount of money to the poor country, and is the countries only cash-crop besides
the export of Teki-wood.
Noting that the field agents have not reported in
in some time I contacted Interpol about the case, they suspect their agents had been captured, I requested to go to Udon Kai
and find out what had happened. I knew I could count on Slider's help, however I knew she could not be controlled in
that situation, instead I called Fascade and Kat, I would need her 'Spyders'.
Getting to Udon Kai was fairly easy, we
used the same landing strip that the Malady used, and bribed the watch tower nearby to keep it quiet. Interpol
had already hired us a translator, and we quickly found out that the child prostitution industry here was the shame of
all of its citizens, they were eager to help us once they knew Novas were here to help. We found the other
agents had been killed and tortured, their bodies dumped in the surrounding forest ranges. The military run by Gen.
Ngum, was his secret police and enforcers, most of them mercenaries and not necessarily loyal to him or Udon kai.
We sent in Fascade as a potential 'buyer', ten-thousand
dollars to get her in. They took her to a hotel to test her before they would trust her, "Big Earl Halloway" would need
to have sex with a child while they recorded it, to assure that he was the genuine article. Using my gift of persuasion,
the camera guy saw that he could trust "Big Earl", he gave her a card, with the picture of a black widow, that would
get us in to the club where he could get what he came for. The Pearl Dragon was the heart of the operation, using our
talents Fascade and I learned all we could about the industry. We came across some of the military officers protecting
Mr. Malady, and we learned where he was.
We sent out the Spyders, to recon the area and went
with our translator to find the rebel forces living in the mountanous regions surrounding the city. The rebels would
help, many of the rebels had lost brothers and sisters to the slavers, and when they tried to free them were outcast and hunted
by Gen. Ngum. The children were supposedly supposed to go to work in the cities, to work and send back money, but none
ever returned. When the Spyders had finished infiltrating the compound, I called Slider; these people bought children,
they steal childhood itself, they give no mercy....they would recieve none.
The operation was quick, Fascade, Slider and I , along
with the rebels easily overtook the fortress mansion, most of the guards took flight after it had started. I reached
Mr. Malady first and he gave me the names and locations of everyone involved, we recovered his computers and databases
which have been turned over to Interpol. Mr. Malady however was killed during his transportation to Interpol agents.
Gen. Ngum escaped us and fled to the middle east, the people of Udon Kai took up a revolution from what we started, fighting
is still going on in some spots.
The Gothic Knight and Slider both admired what
I had helped accomplish, the child sex tours would be halted for a time, and Udon Kai is on its way to recovery. Gen.
Ngum was apprehened a few weeks later, and is facing a trial on human rights charges. I was reprimanded a little by
Caestus and the producers, afterwards he congradulated me, Slider and Fascade for our work overseas. The movie nears
end production and what do you know I wind up in the infirmary before the final showdown of the movie(I bet it was Aura or
Slider that set that up). Until next time...
The Year after Cashmere,
Cashmere taught Elías how vulnerable he can be in a fight, using his powers all of the time, he decides that he needs
to train himself to be able to fight using as little powers as possible, he turns to the Gothic Knight. GQ is very driven
and has developed his skills to a razor sharp edge, Elías saw this while working with him and knows that he can be taught much from GQ.
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