Name: Elias Fonseca
Nova Name: 'Mestre'
Abilities and Attributes: Quantum:****@@@@@@
Main Power: Magnetic Mastery **@@@ / Magnetokinesis, Electro-magnetic Shield
-Ionic Claws *@@@@ / Extra:Ionic discharge -Telepathy *@@@@ -Fly
*@@@@ / Extra:Underwater -Hypermovement *@@@@ / Fly -Teleport
Mega-Attributes: -Mega-Dex **@@@ / Quickness -Mega-Stamina
**@@@ / Adaptability, Resiliency -Mega-wits *@@@@ -Body Modification:Adhesive
grip, Tail, Extra health lvl. (1)
Stormwatch facilities report- 'Mestre'
His particular M/R node has developed in such a way, to allow him
to manipulate electromagnetic forces. His body is also highly attuned to metal, he seems to channel
quantum through metals around him.
All of his manifestes powers and abilities can be tied to the electromagnetic
-He is able to manipulate metals easily by creating and manipulating electro-magnetic
-During flight, he is generating generating a sustained magnetic pulse
around him that temporarily alters the charge and polarity of air or water as he travels through it, reducing friction to
almost zero, increasing his velocity, and nullifying gravity.
-When teleporting his body produces a super energized electro-weak
charge, causing his molecules to become hyper charged to such a degree that theoretically allows him to surpass gravity and
alter space-time. He gains the ability to perform a 'Tesseract', moving from one point to another without passing through
the interveining space. This may allow us to develop the technolgy to build a machine that can teleport anyone.
-While in combat, he produces a humming field of energy that surrounds
his limbs. The field is the result of using his quantum energy to ionize air molecules, any material that
comes in to contact with this field will start to ionize, and break down.
-When his body touches a material his cells manipulate the electric
charge inside the molecules of the substance temporarily, giving him the ability to cling to any surface.

Ideas for Elías: At first I was struggling to find a hero to base him on, I added a tail and teleportation powers, the ability
to fly, telepathy; but no real direction. Though I finally decided I wanted to play out what if someone like Magneto was
advocating peaceful relations with mankind.

Quirks: Known to hum or sing capoeira or
samba songs, loves to play berimbaus or drums
What is important: Grandma Cobrinha living in Brazil,
Capoeira teachers, friends and his students, visiting Rio de Janeiro and his mother's grave, the destitute, needy, women and
Goals--fair treatment for Novas and humans alike regardless
of social class, political activist interested in meeting with the "Fireman" to help aid him to establish fair Nova treatment
Gains strength--a political visionary, dreams about improving the lives of people, showing them how
they can interact in harmony with the world; He will strive to be a role model for what Novas are capable of, how they should
be seen by the public eye
Fears--that corporate greed, lust for money, will consume the world, that
peoples lives will become meaningless, that the poor will always be trampled over for the rich; also that Novas will be outcast
from society just because of jealousy or out of fear without giving them a fair chance
suit, personal effects(pictures of family, friends), capoeira instruments, working to open a gym in the city and teach capoeira
How he percieves others--Elías will always try to give someone the benefit of the doubt, will always
be polite, and treat anyone with fairness, Nova or human as he thinks it should be

Elías was born in a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to María Coelho Fonseca, on April 16, 1990. His father, Trevor Williams,
was a rising actor who was shooting in Brazil when he met María, but when the movie was done shooting Trevor, went back to
north America leaving María pregnant, and to raise the baby without a father.
María cared deeply for her new son Elías, and her mother Cobrina, but could not afford the new baby without another
job. When she was working her mother, took care of little Elías, in their small apartment. His grandma would tell him about
Brazil when she was a little girl and the stories her grandmother once told her.
Elías had no contact with his father until he was six, though whether the letters his mother had written to Trevor or his
fathers stagnant career helped to inspire his sudden desire to see his son, Elías never figured it out.
But a few months after his birthday he got his first visit with his father. For the next several years the new family
was very happy, his Trevor bought a new house over looking downtown Rio de Janeiro, hired a maid, showered them with gifts.
The next few years while his father could not find a job, he took Elías and his mother to many different countries,
living there for a few months before movingsome place new. María did not want her son to grow to far from Brazil, and sent
him to live with his grandmother for a few weeks a year.
Elías loved living with his grandma, during the days he would be out in the city with his friends, playing capoeira,
hiking in the amazon. His activities with his friends was not altogether legal, with his friends he caused a lot of trouble
for the police in Rio, however his grandmother managed to keep his secrets.

The good times would not last though, when his father was called by one of his contacts in England, he sent his wife back
to Brazil while he went to see an old friend. A few days later he called his family, he was being called back to making movies.
He flew out a few times during the next year, but his visits shortened, and then his phone calls stopped. When his career
took off again so did his paternal instincts.
His grandmother soon became ill as she grew older, while unknown to Elías his mother was getting weaker, as she hide
all signs from her son that she had ovarian cancer. His mother encouraged him to spend time with his friends, while she went
to the hospital.
His mother was a strong woman, she would never let her weakened state show to him, she would not let herself be weak
for her son after loosing his father. It was María's love for Elías that kept her going through the treatments, but the cancer
was stronger and spread.
Nearing Elías's sixteenth birthday, he woke to find his mother in the kitchen breathing weakly and leaning against the
counter, she smiled and waved him off to wake his grandmother. When he came back his mother was on the kitchen floor, he
could not rouse her out of it. She was taken to the hospital, Elías stayed by her bedside everyday.
She drifted in and out of conciousness, the drugs dulling the pain, but keeping her very tired. He spent his birthday
with her, holding her hand. He also spent the next three months with her as her body continued to weaken, until it could not
function on its own. The doctors could do nothing for her, they could only keep her sedated, comfortable, while she slipped
away. The cancer took her shortly afterwards, Elías never heard from his father, and he never wanted to again.
His grandmother was all he had now, she did all she could to comfort him, even while she too was was grieving for the
loss of María. She knew too well the pain of loosing a parent, so she convinced him that he should do something to celebrate
his mothers life, to help him deal with his sorrow, and to help him releash the anger with the lack of interest his father
showed during the last months that María lived. Cobrinha knew many of the greatest capoeira maestres when she was young,
she played in many rodas, or capoeira games, and she was able to contact the maestres' schools and organize a huge gathering
of all the schools in Rio de Janeiro.