WoD:Chicago 2007

Chicago by Night
Chicago's Kindred
Uratha: Despair of a City
WoD:Chicago 2007
WoD:Chicago 2008
WoD:Chicago 2009
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Past events
Ishtar encounters a hostile entity/spirit in her club, menacing, controlling emotions, stetson colonge.  Very possessive of ishtar, even possessed people to 'be with' Ishtar, hurt a guy dancing on stage that had a crush on her<James Dumas, promise free drinks>.   She mistakes the spirit for Redd, and she has him look into it for her, again for a small favor.  She confronts the spirit and uses sage and taunting the spirit to get it to go, it leaves.
Mariani warns Ishtar that someone in the escort agency, she is using to raise money for the club, may be tipping someone off about who her clientel is, because a customer of hers disappeared<sacrificed, Acolyte/Sanctified/Something else, not sure> and so she should watch for enemies that are trying to get to her through her contacts and customers.
Unity Church, sends Ishtar's Club a letter asking her to shut down, Ishtar confronts them, and is brushed off.  She goes to the Prince for aid, she finds Micheal Dubiard<Sanctified priest, Fanatic> there already claiming she shoud share here club with the sanctified, Vin Marioni<Sanctified,moderate> steps in and defends Ishtar's right for her domain, Ishtar talks about her club and sets some rules.  Dubiard is forced to agree, thanks to Mariani's help.
Ryan and Dave
  Went out with Mr. Winston again, Escort service, for money and some fun.
  Went hunting at the 'Greenstreet,' a private club.  There he found 'John', beat him up a bit and scarred the crap out of him. <Remembers harvey, thanks to the striking looks merit: Harvey wants to gain power through fear and control, to feed from fear>
  Later, staking out the 'Unity Church' for Ishtar, a local church community that has been giving 'Ishtar's Temple'<Ishtar's Strip club> grief, trying to get them to shut down, "For the good of the Community".
  Ishtar suspects Sanctified involvement.  Harvey using his skills with animalism calls a few rodents to spy for him, steals a few cameras and sets up surveillance.  A few kindred may be using the Church as a feeding ground, wants to find a way to record conversations on the inside. 
  The Sheriff Norris and one of his hounds, Marek Kaminski as brought up by Ishtar when Harvey gives her his report.  She wants to know their faces, who is going in, suggests that he find quick sketch artists to get their faces on paper.
*Tomorrow* Caucus <Dragon Convention> Welcoming back the elder Dragons from Boston.  The Philosopher steps down as Grand Wyrm for the Ordo Dracul.
Harvey meets with Heartsblood, outside the Chapter house in Chinatown and asked about a piece of silver that reflects things differently than seen with the naked eye.
Caucus - Harvey met the returning elders, Norris was there as well showing interest in Harvey and Ishtar's doings of late.  Ishtar met with the Seneshal and the Philosopher.
Next night, Harvey on stakeout, finds he is near someones territory and threatened to leave.  An ugly, mean tempered son of a bitch Acolyte named Oglivere, told 'Not to come back unless he shows proper respect for 'his' territory' probably refferring to a boon of somekind for being in his domain.  He knows harvey's name and Covenant.
<Norris will give harvey some recievers if he will give Norris more information on someone else>
Ishtar and Harvey formally bind themselves as mentor and pupil, sign and seal agreement about ishtar's work, and she begins to teach him coils and disciplines.
Dave, another game
Ishtar talked to Redd Jack, about a small girl in pink, she has been seeing in pictures and on T.V., he agreed to investigate her for a favor in the future. 
Kim and Ishtar's date: Gwyn gave Kim the full use of his legs for the night.  Going to the Navy Pier for a nice walk and food.  She confesses her work as an escort to him, and her 'priestess of ishtar' duties to him, he is unprepared and is a bit subdued after this.  Ishtar also says she likes 'john' from "Le Miserables".  While they chat, Kim tells of his 'first' time, with Katie Spendel, a librarian (30's, med length red hair kept in a bun).  His Mentor, Sid Lancaster <Sameritan, Obrimos mage, Free Counsil> .  How he was injured during a cabal ritual, injuring him, and taking his daughter with it <Ema>.  Ishtar and Kim finally express their mutual love and affection for each other and consumate their relationship.
Talking to Ludmilla<Sworn of the Axe> about bringing Kim to the Chapter house, Ludmilla does not like the idea, so Ishtar tries to reach the other Sworn, so Kim can help with her research.
<Talks with Kim about her project and wants his help with learning to feed from energy>
Talked with the Senechal about the Prince's Tranquility, and the situation with Oglivere, his territory and Harvey.
Meets a strange, savage Kindred waiting outside Kims shop.  Met Max<Regeant of the undercity> very polite, looked like a Nosferatu, and was asked to look into a situation at Union Station.  A wooden box has appeared there, with no information about where or when it appeared, what is the cargo and why it is here, and will be rewarded for any information.  He will send a messenger when she has the information.
Another game and Dave
<Ishtar wants to feed from sex, the fluid and then one day the energy.  Uses the blush of live excessively in hope she may develope a way that it happens naturaly. 
  Recieved a letter after refusing to kill a child that knows what she is, protecting the masquerade.  She is starved and tormented nearly until the beast took her.  Then released to find that she had been absolved by the Philosopher, and taken as her personal pupil and aid her in a special quality control project for the Covenant, sworn to secrecy and given a scroll/letter.
  Three parts to the letter, each in a different hand and language.  Told to seek out the Dragons record, the second in romanian, learned talked of the Kogian and how to find him, the third is still a mystery.
Almost obesses with her work, and finding the Kogian Ishtar constantly seeks things that would be a gift for him/her.>
Went antique shopping with Kim, several shops using auspex, she found a particular golden hair pin/comb, that smelled of opium, very old.  On the advice of Kim they went to Chinatown, to the Yin family store<Known to be able to procure, almost anything>.  Met madame Yin, and Ishtar offered the comb as payment for something that would be a good gift for the Kogian, something a traveler might use.  A black, empty numbness starts to coils itself around her legs, winding upward to her as she is speaking to Madame Yin.  Madame Yin will think it over and tells her to go, Kim reassures her, and leaves, Ishtar is the only one who sees a shining black ring that appeared on her finger<the numbness seems to have gathered at the ring, looks as if alive and moving sloly>.
  Dreaming ishtar is taken by darkness and it forms into a dragon, it flyng through a chicago that is darker, duller, more dangerous, underground and back up to a parkset in winter, sees a mysterious veiled woman on a bridge watching her<Lucinore> and sees the Kogian walking through and living in one of the forest preserves.
<Keeps trying to use the Blush of life without blood>
Went to the Peace museam to speak to Voss about any of his pieces as a gift, met an attractive italian gentleman 'Lorenzo', as well as Burt a photographer and Nancy a model who wants to open her own resturaunt with her family.
Istar and Redd make a deal to pay for the remodel on her club, Redd will be able to possess someone, to spend a night with her as long as no he doesnt harm him, and he will get her the rest of the money for the club.
The Dreaming, wandering through the halls following music she came into a ravaged building, found an entity of wind, half forgotten that blew away to nothingness, though she found a withered flower in the gardens, and fed it some of her glove, it grew into a large red flowered plant(think foxglove).
<Kim looking at Ishtar's blood and after the Goddess has been in control of her>
Redd and Ishtar comlete their deal.  Lorenzo is the vessel that Redd chooses. <Draws some blood, his and hers, and puts some on the amulet, she didn't notice>  Ishtar met the man afterwards Redd has left him.
Dave begins another game
- About Mid October -
Ishtar quits the Agency, though her info is kept but taken off the menu's.  Only former clients can ask for her.
Elysium-Sanctified themed, Filthfoot shows up and the Prince is dismissed.  Bella, Justine and Moyra asking questions about Ishtar's club.  Justine will spread the word if she can get Voss to show 'Sally Swanson's' work at his museum.  Dancing with Voss, she negotiates the deal, Sally can show there, Voss gets exclusive feeding rights and VIP status at her club.  Invites Solomon to the clubs reopening.
Problems with the building inspectors<Snutty gay Safety inspector, hardest to get past>
<Redd is removed from his prison <Lucinore> he consumes Lorenzo's body, but changes it to Redd's likeness>
Ishtars club reopens, while dancing, she sees Redd's top hat, but afterwards can't find him. 
Ishtar sent Marek to track down the box, to teach him disciplines/coils, he tracked it to the "valorica" company <Voss>
Ishtar met with Redd, later in the VIP booth, made for Kim and others. 
Ishtar also sensed, the stetson cologne, the malignant spirit return.

Game sessions
Tests and Trials of Ishtar
- Muskegan Virus - <Three Shades of Night>
Date: Feburary 22, 2007
In-game: August 14 2007, Friday
Next Wednesday on the Elysium Moon, first full moon of the month, Ishtar meeting with her Sire, Barboa and other Elders at the Shedd Aquarium.
Tristan Stratford<Brandon's Character,NPC> has made a place for himself in Chicago as an information broker and favor dealer, he has aquired a favor from Bastet and has a 1 stage viniculum with ishtar.
Ishtar is looking for female assistants with knowledge of human/kindred physiology, biology, chemistry and pathology. 
Ishtar's Goals:
   1). Gain ownership of the Club
   2). Develop disciplines(maybe join/make bloodline)
   3). Mariah to gather menstral blood for testing, and 'other' bodily fluids
Bastet<Rowen, NPC> was tracking Tristan Stratford, suspects he is keeping an Bible(personal journal) stolen from a Sanctified kindred.  The journal was given to a cabal of Mages during the chronicle, owned by a Jerimiah Maynard, presumably a hunter before the Great Chicago Fire.
"A mirror reflects all of your flaws, secrets, your true soul laid bare.  That is why it is considered bad luck to break one.  When someone dies in a house it is traditional to cover all the mirrors in the house, so the ghost was not trapped." <Someone, something has been banished into a mirror, can travel from mirror to mirror, and affect things in this world, and can see your deepest, most desperate desires of your heart> First instance of the yellow eyed, Red Jack and something Darker.
Maynard's Journal

Maynard’s failed Exodus.  By the first years of 1870’s the chorus of voices complaining of Chicago’s wickedness was beginning to gain some volume. One of these voices was that of Jeremiah Maynard.  Depending on whom you listen to, Maynard was a man of unusual insight or a lunatic.  He talked frequently of the dark forces at work beneath the cities façade of normalcy and claimed to have evidence of a grand conspiracy against humankind.  He raved about the machinations of “godless cabalists”, “beasts that hide behind men’s faces” and other, darker creatures that hid in Chicago’s shadows.  Some listeners thought he was using colorful metaphors.  Others believed he was telling the literal truth-as he saw it, at least.  And some claim to have seen the horrors Maynard was talking about with their own eyes.  From 1866 to 1871, Maynard built a small following through a combination of revival preaching, anti-corruption activism and sheer charisma.  Amoung those who might be called his followers was a small handful of influential men, including General Phillip Sheridan, Maynard’s commander in the Union Army.

  In the spring of 1871, Jerimiah Maynard and a couple of trusted intimates left Chicago to secure a route westward to found a Zion of their very own, free from “infernal manipulation and the wickedness of weak men”.  His plan was to return to Chicago in the fall, to spend  the winter making an all out assault on the forces of darkness, proving their existence to one and all, and then to depart for New Zion the following spring.  It never happened.  Within a week of Maynard’s departure, members of his “flock” began to drop like flies.  Some died of disease, others from accidents and others still wound up as victims of the city’s burgeoning violent crime rate.  Those who survived this series of unfortunate events grew quiet about what they had learned about the world from Jerimiah maynard, and most disavowed their former “guide” entirely.  Unsurprisingly, all of Jerimiah Maynards alledged “evidence” of the dark conspiracy was destroyed by the great fire a few months after he left town.  Some claim this was itself part of the conspiracy.  Others call it an easy out for Maynard’s erstwhile followers.  Jeremiah Maynard himself dropped out of history about a month after he left Chicago.  It is assumed that he met his fate while looking for his new Zion, but there are no official records of his death.  {Jeremiah Maynard, he knew the names, habits, accomplices, vices and locations of half a dozen of Chicago’s more interesting residents including two vampires and a wayward occultist.  He had evidence which he had cached in four different locations around Chicago for safety, that he intended to show people when he returned from his westward journey.  All four places burned in the fire.}

The Fire.  October 8th 1871, a strong northernly wind was blowing that carried the flames from a barn in the southern part of the city (around 8:30 pm).  Not the only place to experience fire that night, blazes seemed to erupt spontaneously at approximately the same time, all across Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois.  Thieves looting houses were shot and thrown in to the fires to be counted as casualties later, as well  any number of long-time grudges, lover’s quarrels and vicious business rivalries were settled the same way.  Blood spilled.  Bodies burned.  The chaos and death toll would have been much worse, except for the presence of General Phillip Sheridan, the Civil War hero and ranking military commander, who instituted martial law to return from the frenzy of madness and mayhem.


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